How to not ‘Suck’ at Writing Headlines
OK – I have faced up to it – I suck at writing great (or even good headlines).
As a first step in putting it right I have looked at headlines from 4 of the top viral sites on the internet today –,, and
These are all headlines for trending articles for each site on 14 August 2015.
No conclusions yet but viralnova seems a closer match for 100k Factory
Viral Nova
Watch The Cuteness That Occurs When A Baby Elephant Can’t Keep Up With His Bud
They Thought They Were Going to Lose their newborn son…Until a miracle happened
When this corgi plays fetch he really gets into it. He even has a little dance
They found a traumatized dog stuck in a shrub. The reason why shocked them
This lifeguard miraculously saved a little girl from drowning
This baby can’t hide his excitement for food. And we know just how he feels
33 pet birthdays and prove that special day of the year is totally the best
Would you live in a shipping container? After seeing this you might consider it.
These look like delicious lattes. But they are somehow even better
This kid isn’t afraid to get down when he hears Taylor Swift on the radio
This dude stepped into the batter’s box and pulled off something incredibly cool
When he dropped a sparkler into water, something unexpected happended
This family lost everything in a horrible fire… Until they discovered a miracle.
A woman risked her life to save a kitten stuck in a drain pipe
One man attempts the most gut wrenching thing you will ever see
They gave their dog some water balloons. And this is the hilarious result
This little boy trying to break a board in Taekwondo class is officially the cutest ever
This puppy has the best reaction to experiencing rain for the first time ever
This bear’s reaction ot a scientific experiment is priceless… And Genius
This poor dog’s family moved and left her behind to starbe by herself
An Australian angler was reeling in a hammerhead when a GIANT tiger shark ended up on his line
These itt-bitty piglets enjoying an afternoon snack are bound to make you smile
A couple was driving through a strorm when they recorded this shocking video
Kids made fun of this old mans house, so a good Samaritan helped him out
When it came time for this cat’s bath, he learned a new word just to protest it
What happens to this incredibly bold and impressive tattto is beyond amazing
This little girl steps up to the mike and tears the house down
Buzzfeed – Trending 14 August 2015
How fucking british are you
Please drop everything and tell us hou you put a bra on
The hardest “Friends” quiz you’ll ever take
This guy used science to get an 86%bigger burrito at Chipotie
10 things woment in their 20s need to stop worrying about
These 4 questions will dertermin if you’re a morning or night person
47 Questions we still have after the “Pretty Little Liars” summer of answers
17 College hookup horror stories that will leave you better about yourself
26 Struggles every dogless dog-lover will understand
18 “Game of Thrones” moments improved by Monty Python quotes
This is what it is like being a gay christiam rock star
This is what a Disney princess looks like without makeup
19 labour supporters who have been called tory during the leadership vote
37 foods and drinks from your childhood that you will never taste again
The 25 struggles every catless cat person will understand
15 things you should know before trying to get shredded abs
These “Would you rather” questions will tell you which Disney Princess you are
23 undeniable struggles only art students will understand
39 welsh rugby players who want to wrap their bulging thighs around you
There’s a secret way of eating curry that you need to know about
This dude ordered 100 slices of pork on his ramen and lived to tell the tale
A top Apple designer made some intriguing comments about cars
US Marines who lowered the flag at embassy in Cuba raise it 54 years later
#POTUSPlaylist Obama’s summer jams hit Spotify
Windows 10 may send Microsoft data even when you tell it not to
Janelle Monae releases powerful new protest song “Hell you talmbout”
Birdseye UK suggested turning chicken dippers into party canapes and it went horribly wrong
One small detail in the “hunger games” promo was accidentally NSFW
This life-saving technology delivers ‘super human’ sight when you need it most
Tinder troll is winning over ladies by stealing Forest Gump’s life story
Plushy minions act as faulty cover for cocainde deliveries
Yellowstone National Park euthanises female grizzly bear that killed hiker
Galaxy unpacked some terrible jokes during its galaxy note 5 event
I asked my dad, a rabbi, to translate the Hebre trailier for Natalie Portman’s new movie
Rio’s Olympic waters won’t be treated for viruses despite pollution problems
Alien planet imager discovers the most Jupiter like planet ever found
Super chilled London Fox naps on second floor window ledge
Remot Caribbean Islands now get pizza delivery by plane
Huffington Post – US (now seems to follow the main stream news feeds)
Old glory over Havana
Japan’s PM stops short of apology for WW2
Social security at 80 – lessons learnt
Firefighter rescued from blast zone in China’s Tianjin
Incredible time-lapse video shows the raw power of a microburst
I’m a man and I have spent my life ashamed of my body
El Nino could be one for the history books
Are you your own worst enemy?
Spanish town installs communal fridge to fight food waste
I’m a gay man who loves sex (and here’s why that’s suddenly a problem)
Prince George is being harassed and the palace is pissed
7 secrets for subtly influencing people around you
Kylie Jenner denies crashing her new Ferrari
Beer bots can fetch booze for people too lazy to get up
8 dynamite books for the dog days of summer
Why so many women are ditching their underwear
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